Hackdra KYC Verification

In an environment where anonymity is expected and fraud is a real risk, Hackdra audits crypto projects and web3 companies with AI Technology at an excellent rate. In this way, it builds a foundation of trust among stakeholders and creates a ground where they can gain authority.

Request Hackdra KYC Hackdra KYC Process

Get KYC Verified By Hackdra, Gain The Trust of Your Community!

Know Your Customer (KYC) controls require financial service providers to identify and verify the identity of their customers. These controls are carried out as part of compliance with Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) legislation to combat financial crime and enable customer due diligence. KYC proactively combats criminal activity by collecting and verifying customer information. These controls help increase trust in the industry and enable financial service providers to manage their risks. KYC has become common in cryptocurrency and web3 projects and companies.

Transparency and Trust

Participating in KYC is crucial for building trust and transparency within your user base. This step ensures that your users trust you and legitimizes your team. Additionally, transparency and reliability enhance your project’s reputation within the community.

Secure Verification

By verifying your team’s identity and maintaining anonymity, you enhance trust among investors and users, solidify your team’s credibility, and lay a crucial foundation for your project’s long-term success.

Enhanced Access

The KYC requirement for leading exchanges and launch platforms is a critical step for the growth and success of your project. These platforms provide access to a wider investor base, increasing the potential of your project and helping you reach a wider audience.
Advanced KYC Verification

Why Use Hackdra KYC Verification?

The selective admission process of Hackdra, which requires all smart contract developers and multi-signature holders to go through the identity management process, and the rigorous policy that Hackdra must approve the smart contract security check before the “Verified by Hackdra” status is publicly disclosed, is recognized. This process helps to increase the project’s reliability and transparency, thereby gaining community trust.

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By verifying your identities and proving that you are reliable in not misappropriating or misusing project funds, you gain the trust of the public. The trust gained by taking on this responsibility has historically paid off many times over the cost of verification by Hackdra by multiples.

Ongoing Support

As new team members or developers are hired, they gain continuous access to our services to manage their identities and ensure that everyone is accountable and trustworthy. This guarantees that no bad actor can sabotage your project or steal funds.

Internal Accountability

Numerous projects have failed due to the fraudulent or thieving actions of a single team member. Holding the entire team accountable ensures that other team members or hired developers cannot escape responsibility for actions they believed they could get away with.

Advanced Identity Security

We take identity management extremely seriously. All identities are stored in 4096-bit encrypted cold storage devices in a third-party bank vault. Additionally, we separate each individual’s identity from the projects they are associated with. We store the second half of this information in a separate secure location, encrypted with 4096-bit encryption, in a separate cold storage device.

Set Your Project Apart

Due to over 5000 fraudulent attacks and numerous scams in crypto projects and web3 companies, users are highly skeptical of projects and companies. Managing your identity allows you to distinguish your project as a transparent one in the field. It also helps foster more transparency and trust in the field of crypto.

Ease of Capital Raising

Obtaining KYC verification by Hackdra can make it easier to raise capital by instilling confidence in investors and fund providers. This can provide a significant advantage for the growth and development of your project.

Data Security

Additionally, placing importance on data security enhances the reputation of your project and can reinforce users’ trust in your project. It can ensure that users’ personal data is securely stored and protected against malicious access.

Regulatory Compliance

KYC can help your project comply with current regulations. This makes your project more legally reliable and acceptable. Additionally, regulatory compliance is important for the long-term sustainability of your project. Therefore, KYC verification by Hackdra is important for ensuring your project’s regulatory compliance and establishing a solid foundation for future success.

Network Building

Access our project and developer network to collaborate and build together. We work to connect you with projects and people to help you access all the tools and resources needed for success.
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Shape Your Future with Hackdra KYC Verification!
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Hackdra Effective Security Solutions
Prioritize Your Security!
How Does It Work?

The Hackdra KYC Process

Hackdra adopts strict policies during the acceptance process of projects and companies applying for KYC verification. This process aims to increase the authenticity and credibility of projects while at the same time increasing their security. Our entire verification process from start to finish is as follows.

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Phase 1

Preliminary Verification

We meticulously review the services, platforms, websites, applications, and other main target tools offered by projects applying for KYC verification. During this review process, we aim to evaluate the authenticity of the projects and their compliance with cybersecurity standards in order to reduce the risks of fraud, plagiarism, and scams, and to enhance reliability. Our goal is to lead the way in making the blockchain world safer while providing reliability to our customers for the success of their projects.

Phase 2

Interview Meeting

If the project is approved, a team of expert researchers will conduct an end-to-end encrypted secure interview with the project leader and team members to gain further insight into the individuals behind the project. This interview will be recorded, allowing us to obtain detailed information about the experiences, skills, and contributions of the team members to the project, creating a fair environment for better evaluation. Additionally, it will provide additional assurance regarding the project’s potential to achieve its planned goals and its reliability.

Phase 3

Participation Documents

Upon a successful interview, the team building the project will be directed to our end-to-end encrypted secure verification portal. In our verification portal, after signing the Participation Agreement, the team members will provide the necessary information to facilitate the remaining stages and securely submit their identity information and additional documents to us.

Phase 4

Ulgen AI Verification

At this stage, the identity information and other documents of the team members building the project are thoroughly and securely reviewed by the advanced artificial intelligence UlgenAI. This review includes detailed examination of elements such as facial recognition, facial similarity, liveness check, previously recorded faces, fake image analysis, document detection, photocopy detection, document vitality, security elements, photo location, expiration date, age verification, sample check, data integrity, and document model validity. This ensures protection against document alteration or fraud and enhances the reliability of the verification process.

Phase 5

Forensic Investigation Verification

The team members building the project are thoroughly investigated by forensic research experts at Hackdra. This process involves examining whether there are any illegal activities in the backgrounds of the team members in law enforcement databases. Additionally, Hackdra experts gather intelligence from the Deepweb, Darkweb, press, and social media networks. This forensic investigation enhances the project’s reputation and reliability, reinforcing the trust of investors and users in the project. It also increases the likelihood of the project being accepted by the community and is an important security measure for its long-term success.

Phase 6

Geolocation Verification and Sanction Control

The geographical locations of the team members are determined in a secure and verifiable manner. These locations are thoroughly examined, taking into account factors such as past sanctions, Regulatory Enforcement Effectiveness, Crime Control Effectiveness, Criminal Investigation Effectiveness, Prevalence of Corruption, Record Keeping, and Accessibility of Record Data. This step is important for determining whether the team members are actually in the locations they claim to be, whether they are legally able to participate in the project, and whether there are any illegal activities.

Phase 7

Blockchain-Based Wallet and Contract Verification

The blockchain wallets of the team members building the project are determined according to their authorization levels. Hackdra network experts obtain signatures from the team members through the blockchain to verify the wallets according to their authorization levels. This ensures that the identity information and authorization processes of the team members are matched and managed securely, ensuring the security of the project.

Phase 8

Secure Document Storage

The data that has passed through the verification process is securely stored and protected. All identities, documents, and interview records are encrypted using 4096-bit encryption and stored in private algorithmic cold storage devices in a third-party bank vault, with the remaining information deleted. Additionally, we separate each team member’s identity from the projects they are associated with. The second half of this information is also stored in a secure location using 4096-bit encryption in a private algorithmic cold storage device. Accounts accessing the data are also protected by three-factor authentication. This ensures protection against unauthorized access to sensitive information and prevents privacy breaches.

Phase 9

Announcement and Certification on OZNET

Upon successful completion of the KYC verification process, the reliability of the project and the success of the verification process will be announced to the public. As a result, the project will be awarded the “Hackdra KYC Badge,” which will be displayed in the project’s Oznet Security Score Table profile. The Hackdra KYC Badge serves as evidence that all verification standards have been met, enhancing trust and transparency between the project and the community. Additionally, our badges can be directly displayed on the project’s website and showcased through our Emblem feature, thereby promoting the project’s reliability and approval to a wider audience.

Phase 10

Continuous Compliance Monitoring

Following the completion of the announcement and certification process, a continuous monitoring and auditing process is initiated to ensure that the project and team continuously comply with the established standards. During this process, the project’s activities, team structure, and other elements related to the project are regularly reviewed and updated as necessary. Additionally, periodic monitoring and auditing activities are conducted to maintain the project’s reliability and the success of the verification process. This continuously strengthens the project’s reliability and relationship with the community, ensuring its successful continuation.

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Smart KYC for a Secure Future

Which projects benefit most from kyc verification?

By voluntarily participating in KYC (Know Your Customer), you can make your project more transparent and reliable, build trust within your community, and gain access to leading platforms. Additionally, while verifying your team’s identity, you can increase the credibility of your project while maintaining anonymity. These steps are crucial for the success of your project.

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Digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum that work on blockchain, provide a decentralized, transparent and secure currency systemVarious services can be obtained via smart contracts.

Blockchain-based games and applications

Applications that allow secure trading of in-game items and digital assets on the blockchain, improving the gaming experienceSome game engines facilitate the development process with blockchain integration.

Education and certification systems

Systems that record the validity of documents like diplomas, certificates on the blockchain, and distribute digital educational content.

Agriculture and food tracking systems

Applications that transparently track and certify all stages of products from sowing to harvesting, processing and distribution on the blockchain.

Digital asset trading platforms

Exchanges similar to stock markets that allow secure and transparent buying and selling of digital assets like NFTs, cryptocurrencies, tokens.

Smart contracts

Digital contracts that automatically perform according to predetermined conditions, are non-revocableWidely used in insurance, credit, intellectual property.

Blockchain collaboration networks

Open-source platforms that enable integration between different projects and organizations.

Blockchain news and information resources

Websites that follow and report developments in the sector through news, articles and analysis.

Art and collectibles

Certification and trading of artworks, collectibles via NFTs on the blockchain.

Exchanges and finance

Decentralized exchanges for the secure buying and selling of crypto assetsAlso DeFi applications such as lending, fund management, insurance.

Crypto ecosystems

Ecosystems where different crypto assets and applications work together in an integrated manner.

Game engines and tools

Engines and libraries that facilitate game development and provide blockchain integration.

Decentralized data storage and sharing

Platforms where data is securely stored and made openly accessible to all.

Identity verification and voting

Blockchain-based identity verification, voting, polling applications.


Ask Us a Question

If you have any questions about Hackdra KYC, please first check the FAQ section. If you still can’t find an answer, feel free to contact us or ask your question quickly. We are happy to assist you.

Quick Question Get in Touch

Hackdra KYC Verification is a service aimed at increasing the authenticity and reliability of projects without disclosing their identities. During this verification process, we meticulously examine the services offered by projects, the technology platforms they use, their websites, applications, and other key tools. Additionally, we conduct interview sessions to obtain detailed information about the individuals behind the project and thoroughly review the identity information and other documents of the team members.

This process aims to reduce the risks of fraud, plagiarism, and scams associated with projects and enhance their reliability. As a result, investors and users can have greater confidence in the authenticity and reliability of the projects. Hackdra KYC Verification is an important step in enhancing the transparency and reliability of projects.

In the event of fraud occurring in a project verified by Hackdra, Hackdra immediately intervenes and takes necessary steps. A detailed investigation is conducted regarding the status of the project, and investors are informed. Simultaneously, legal processes are initiated to report the responsible party to the relevant authorities in the country where the project is based.

The responsible party is held accountable by the relevant authorities of the country where the project is located, and necessary legal proceedings are initiated. This effectively combats fraud cases and protects the rights of investors. Hackdra’s decisive and effective interventions in such situations enhance the reliability of projects, thereby solidifying the trust of investors.

Hackdra will not disclose information about any KYC-verified individual without conclusive evidence, without engaging in speculation or rumors, and without conducting a thorough investigation. This principle aims to protect personal privacy and ensure fair judgment.

Criminal investigations can be conducted by law enforcement authorities and through research on the Deep Web. Information about an individual will only be disclosed after the investigation is completed and the responsible party is identified. This approach aims to ensure a fair process and accurate information sharing, protecting the reputation of individuals and preventing unjust accusations.

Hackdra’s principled approach emphasizes its commitment to reliability and fair operation. These principles are of great importance in ensuring the security of information and the principles of fair judgment in the KYC process.

Hackdra KYC verification is a process designed to enhance the authenticity and reliability of projects. However, passing through this verification process does not guarantee that a project will not engage in fraud. While it is not possible to completely eliminate the risk of fraud, Hackdra KYC verification is an important step in enhancing the reliability of projects and assisting investors in making more informed decisions. In the event of fund theft, it ensures that the responsible party is held accountable. Therefore, conducting thorough research before making an investment is always important. Hackdra KYC verification helps reduce the risk of fraud and contributes to making investments more informed.

The verification of a project through Hackdra KYC does not constitute an investment recommendation. It is important to carefully evaluate the vision of the project, your investment strategy, and your personal goals before making any investment decisions. Before investing in any Verified Projects, ensure that you exercise due diligence to ensure that your investment is suitable for you. This way, you can ensure that your investment is made in a more informed manner.

The cost of our KYC Verification Service is determined based on the complexity of the project and the number of team members to be verified. During the application process, a transparent and single price is provided. There are no hidden fees or penalties that may arise later. Everything is transparent and real. This ensures complete transparency in terms of cost, maintaining the trust and satisfaction of our customers at the highest level.

Yes! Rejecting an application does not mean that we will never work with that project. Projects may have been rejected for various reasons that will be clearly presented. We never reject projects without providing reasons and suggestions on how their current situation can be improved. After addressing the reasons for rejection, a new application can be submitted.

After receiving your application, we will contact you as soon as possible to share our evaluation process. Our goal is to initiate the follow-up of your application and ensure the transparency of the process.

If your project passes the initial evaluation, we will schedule a meeting to provide more detailed information and discuss the opportunities our program offers. This meeting will allow us to gain a better understanding of your project and vision.

If we determine that your project is suitable for our program, we commit to completing the entire process within 1-5 business days after your payment is made. Our aim is to facilitate the rapid implementation of projects and make it easier for visions to become a reality.

Hackdra is a company consisting of highly skilled and experienced ethical hackers and expert security engineers with a deep understanding of programming languages, blockchain technology, cryptography, and security principles for over 9 years. This experience and expertise have been gained by providing various security services to a wide range of clients, including newly established companies, businesses, and government institutions. This broad range of experience allows us to understand the unique needs and challenges of different industries and tailor our services to meet these needs. We continue to work to maintain our leading position in the industry by always prioritizing customer satisfaction and security.